st catherine of siena symbolism
symbol of st catherine of siena
saint catherine of siena symbolism
symbol st catherine symbol saint catherine symbol st catherine symbol saint catherine symbol st catherine symbol saint catherine
symbol st catherine

symbol of saint catherine of siena

symbol of st catherine of siena

St, Catherine is known by the symbols of the Dominican nun's habit, the lily (a sign of purity), a crucifix, a book, the stigmata, the crown of thorns
(which she chose when Jesus offered her two crowns in a vision, a golden one or the crown of thorns. The Crown of Thorns is seen on the head of Saint Catherine of Siena, and is also occasionally represented with other saints, signifying suffering for Christ's sake. ), the ring, a dove, a rose, a miniature church, and a ship bearing the Papal coat of arms.

symbol of saint catherine of siena







symbol of st catherine of siena

symbol of saint catherine of siena




symbol of st catherine of siena




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