Google Is Now Following You On Twitter posted on March 01, 2009 11:31:37 am Google Is Now Following You On Twitter
Imagine getting that message in your email box. What kind
of reaction would you have?
Would you sing for joy or hit the Twitter Block button
faster than Tom Cruise can jump upon a couch?
Well, for a very select few people, that email from Twitter
arrived this week… Google has opened a Twitter [...]
Google’s Adwords Top Tactics For Tough Times posted on December 22, 2008 06:34:38 am Like anyone who’s using Google Adwords in their
online marketing, I received Google’s small booklet
in the mail entitled “Google’s Adwords Top
Tactics For Tough Times.”
In it Google lays out 6 Adwords Tactics for tough times…
helpful tips to help their Adwords users get
through these hard times and keep using Adwords
in the process.
These tactics include: (quoting directly from the
1. [...]
Event Tracking Now In Google Analytics posted on November 05, 2008 06:10:00 am Google Analytics has just gotten better. Google has
introduced Event Tracking to its free premier website
analysis tool – Google Anayltics.
If I had to pick one website analysis tool that has helped
me the most in my 10 years of online marketing it would
have to be Google Analytics. Hands down, this has been
the most valuable marketing tool I [...]
10 Most Useful Free Google Marketing Tools posted on September 27, 2008 07:34:24 am Google is celebrating its 10th anniversary
this year. Happy Birthday Google!
One way Google is celebrating this event is
thru funding 10 million dollars for the idea
that can help the most people. An idea that
could have the most impact on our world.
It’s an ingenious way to celebrate Google and
what it stands for… a birthday gift to everyone.
You can [...]
URL Canonicalization – Should You Do It? posted on August 20, 2008 04:21:39 am Canonicalization was a big topic a few years back,
which had concerned webmasters worried they were dividing
or diluting their Google PageRank. Should you still use
it or not? Read to find out…
URL Canonicalization – Should You Do It?
Canonicalization was a big topic a few years back, at
least [...]
5 Free Must Have SEO Tools posted on July 27, 2008 12:03:17 pm Let’s face it, we all want higher
rankings for our targeted keywords.
So here are 5 Free SEO Tools you can
use to help you achieve those rankings…
5 Free Must Have SEO Tools
Unless you go the PPC route and pay for your
traffic, SEO or Search Engine Optimization will
play a major role in the success or failure of
your website. [...]
How To Build Backlinks via Google Alerts posted on June 29, 2008 09:10:37 am Building backlinks is an essential, yet tedious
job for most webmasters. Here are a few tools
and tips to make that job just a little bit easier…
I am a member of many online forums. Most of these
forums have to do with online marketing and site
promotion. Recently, I came across a post on Ken
Evoy’s SBI forum that truly [...]
List Building – Proven Strategies From The Trenches posted on June 02, 2008 08:20:56 am List building is one of the most vital elements of
any business – online or offline – mainly because
building a responsive customer/contact list simply
means money in the bank. It is a proven marketing
tactic that works.
List building can take on many forms and can be as
simple or as complicated as you want to make it.
Unfortunately, for most [...]
Internet Marketing – Tools of The Trade posted on May 14, 2008 03:15:06 am In order to succeed on the web you need the proper tools.
It doesn’t matter if your goal is to operate a website just
for a hobby or whether you’re trying to earn a part-time
or full-time income.
You need the right marketing tools.
These tools can be very simple or very complicated; it will
mainly depend on the kind of [...]
Keywords – Kingmakers of the Web posted on April 14, 2008 02:20:50 pm Unless you go the paid route with PPC advertising,
keywords or rather top keyword rankings will be the
most important factor in the success of your website
on the net. Not exactly breaking news but many webmasters
still don’t understand this simple fact.
Keywords rule the Internet.
Getting top rankings for profitable keywords will
make you king. Currently, [...]