Pope Aeneas Piecolomini Cannonizes
Catherine of Siena by Pintuiccihio 1502 - 08
Saint Catherine Receiving the Stigmata
by Giovanni di Paolo 1460 - 61
Marks of the wounds suffered by Christ
in his crucifixion - in hands (or wrists) and feet
by nails, and side by the piercing of a lance. Those
who receive these marks are called stigmatists; approximately
300 have been recorded, 90% of them women. The Church
has never issued any infallible declaration concerning
this phenomenon.
Saint Catherine Receives her Habit
by Giovanni di Paolo 1460 - 61
Saint Catherine of Sienna Exchanging
Her Heart with Christ " by Giovanni di Paolo,
part of a three part altar panel, hangs in the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York City.
Fra Bartolommeo did a beautiful painting
of a pensive St. Catherine of Sienna with a lily
Mystic Marraige of Saint Catherine
by Giovanni del Biondo
Mystic Marriage of St Catherine by
Filippino Lippi
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine
of Siena, with Eight Saints. 1511. Oil on panel. Louvre,
Paris, France.
By Bartolimmmeo.
Mystic marriage to Jesus by Michelino
da Besozza.
Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
of Siena by Giovanni di Paolo 1460 - 61
Saint Catherine Siena Dictating Dialogue
Catherine's book Dialogue contains four treatises
-- her testament of faith to the spiritual world.
She wrote, "No one should judge that he has greater
perfection because he performs great penances and
gives himself in excess to the staying of the body
than he who does less, inasmuch as neither virtue
nor merit consists therein; for otherwise he would
be an evil case, who for some legitimate reason was
unable to do actual penance. Merit consists in the
virtue of love alone, flavored with the light of true
discretion without which the soul is worth nothing."